A banknote of 10 drachmas dating back to 1955 issued with a dedicatory inscription: “Let a piece of Greece devoted to Stalingrad stay in this dear city.”

Greece , 12.12.1958
МЗСБ КП 7624
66,5 х 155,5 mm
paper, printing
A gift from K. Pomonas, a Greek tourist. Byzantine temple; on the back there is a portrait of the King George II of Greece (1890-1947), the first constitutional monarch of Greece. On the right there is a pen-written message that reads: “May a piece of a true-hearted Greece stay in the dearest Stalingrad / K. Pomonas”

See also

Miniature hanging dish
Israel , August 1954
Decorative plate “Eternal Friendship with the Soviet Union” (Ewige Freundschaft mit der Sowjetunion)
GDR , 1958 год
Earth from the graves of participants in the Resistance movement in the box
Belgium , May 1975