Catalogue of Gifts –Greece

Греция – страна в Южной Европе, расположенная на Балканском полуострове и тысячах островов в Эгейском и Ионическом морях. Она является наследницей могущественной Древней Греции, которая считается колыбелью западной цивилизации. Столица Греции Афины славится своей крепостью Акрополь, возведенной в V веке до н. э., и храмом Парфенон. У туристов пользуются популярностью пляжи острова Санторини с черным песком, курорты острова Миконос и другие места летнего отдыха.
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A banknote of 10 drachmas dating back to 1955 issued with a dedicatory inscription: “Let a piece of Greece devoted to Stalingrad stay in this dear city.”
Greece , 12.12.1958
МЗСБ КП 7624
66,5 х 155,5 mm
paper, printing
A gift from K. Pomonas, a Greek tourist. Byzantine temple; on the back there is a portrait of the King George II of Greece (1890-1947), the first constitutional monarch of Greece. On the right there is a pen-written message that reads: “May a piece of a true-hearted Greece stay in the dearest Stalingrad / K. Pomonas”
Vase. Present of Greek students to the Tsaritsyn – Stalingrad Museum of Defense
Greece , 29.06.1980
МЗСБ КП 18333
26,6 х Ø 14,8 cm
ceramics, casting, firing, glazing, overglaze printing
The vase is decorated with a meander and scenes of an ancient Greek holiday; ‘КΣ’ production.
Icon depicting St. Mary
Greece , 12.12.1955
МЗСБ КП 5571
icon: 30 x 27 cm; frame: 42.6 x 40 x 5.5cm
glass, wood, mosaic
Petridis Argeris. A gift from the residents of Volos to Stalingrad. It was handed over to the USSR ambassador to Greece by Kartalis, the mayor of Volos
Statuette of the goddess Athena
Greece , 1997
МЗСБ КП 23856
26 х 7,3 х 6,3 cm
plastic, molding, painting
A gift from the Greek citizen Zoe Karayani to the panorama museum "Battle of Stalingrad". The ancient Greek goddess Athena (Ἀθηνᾶ) is depicted standing at full height. She is dressed in a chiton falling down to the soles of her feet, and has a helmet on her head. She is leaning on a spear with her right hand and holding a shield with her left. The base of the sculpture is covered with orthogonal meander ornaments and has the word ‘Athena’ written on the front side of the sculpture.