Medal of German War Graves Commission (Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge)

МЗСБ КП 23358
Ø 50 х 3 mm
metal, stamping, varnishing
Present from the German delegation

On the obverse, there is a stylized image of a mass grave with the crosses and the name of the organization in the outer circle – "Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge"; on the reverse – a quote from B. Spinoza: "Peace is not the absence of war. Peace is a virtue, a state of mind, a tendency to good, trust and justice" and a logotype of the German War Graves Commission – 5 grave crosses.

See also

Figurine of a bear
Denmark , 09.03.1956
Rodin Auguste. Sculptural composition “Jealousy”
France , 1945
A plaketa with the symbols of the PFLP (National Front for the Liberation of Palestine) and a map of Palestine
The State of Palestine , 21.10.1980