Czechoslovakia , 1970, May
МЗСБ КП 11150
55 х 21,5 х 30 cm
gypsum, wood, metal, modeling, tinting, sawing, engraving, assembly
It reproduces a fragment of the monument to the soldiers of the Soviet Army in Ostrava. A gift from the workers of the Ostrava delegation to Volgograd during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Czechoslovakia, May 1970. Ostrava

Скульптура воспроизводит фрагмент памятника воинам Советской Армии в Остраве; гравировка на дарственной табличке: "K 25. výročí osvobození ČSSR / věnuje Severomoravský KNV Ostrava" (К 25-летию освобождения ЧССР вручает Североморавский краевой комитет, Острава)

See also

Sato Churio. Badge brooch “Dove of Peace”
Japan , 1988
Plaque with a picture of fans on a stand
Japan , 09.09.1955
A banknote of 10 drachmas dating back to 1955 issued with a dedicatory inscription: “Let a piece of Greece devoted to Stalingrad stay in this dear city.”
Greece , 12.12.1958