Catalogue of Gifts –Romania

Румыния – страна на юго-востоке Европы, на территории которой находится знаменитая историческая область Трансильвания, окруженная Карпатскими горами. Здесь расположены средневековый город Сигишоара и множество укрепленных церквей и замков, в том числе возведенный на вершине скалы замок Бран, в котором ночевал легендарный князь Дракула. Столица страны Бухарест получила всемирную известность благодаря колоссальных размеров Дворцу парламента, построенному в период коммунистического правления.
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Romanian national female costume
Romania , 24-28.12.1954
МЗСБ КП 5381/1-6
Shirt 48 x shoulder width 34 cm; sleeve length 73.5 cm 79 x 39 (at the waist), 117 (at the hem) cm 37.5 x 27.5 x 38 cm 88 x 33.5 cm 85 x 33.7 cm 276 x 3.5 cm
fabric, thread, sheepskin, leather, weaving, embroidery, sewing, knitting
Presented to the workers of Stalingrad by Chizer Zoltan, the First Vice-Chairman of the Romanian Red Cross Society at the III All-Union Congress of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, held in Moscow on 24-28.12.1954.
Non-fluffing carpet
Romania , November 1952
МЗСБ КП 4491
208 х 101,5 cm
thread, weaving
A gift from the delegation of the General Confederation of Labor of Romania (Confederația generală a muncii) that visited Stalingrad in November 1952. Two birds are flying close together against a background with floral ornaments.
Caragea Boris. Sculptural group “Meeting” (1950)
Romania , 1951
МЗСБ КП 2767 П 870
bronze, casting, decorative patina-forming treatment
A sculptural group representing a scene of welcoming of a Soviet Army soldier by Romanian peasants. On the base there is a Soviet soldier holding a child in his hands. Nearby are the Romanian peasants: a woman holding a bunch of grapes and a man. A gift from the Romanian Society for Friendly Relations with the USSR (ARLUS, Asociația Română pentru strângerea Legăturilor cu Uniunea Sovietică), Romanian People's Republic
Tractor manufactured at Brașov Tractor Plant. Model
Romania , 3-4.06.1964
МЗСБ КП 8702/1 П 871
model: 15.9 x 28.5 x 14.5 cm: in case: 19.6 x 34 x 20 cm
metal, plastic, rubber, fabric, wood, casting, bending, molding, weaving, varnishing, assembly, engraving
A gift from the delegation of workers of the Romanian Workers' Party led by Chivu Stoica, a member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Central Committee of the RRS, that visited Volgograd on 3-4.06.1964. Brașov. The engraved dedicatory inscription reads: “Din Partea colectivului Uzinei de Tractoare Brașov Romania” (From the workers of the Brasov Tractor Plant); the dome is decorated with the engraved basemap of Romania.