1. A shirt (cǎmaşǎ)
2. A skirt (fustǎ)
3. A fur vest
4. An apron (catrinţǎ)
5. An apron (catrinţǎ)
6. A belt
Romanian national female costume
Romania ,
МЗСБ КП 5381/1-6
Shirt 48 x shoulder width 34 cm; sleeve length 73.5 cm 79 x 39 (at the waist), 117 (at the hem) cm 37.5 x 27.5 x 38 cm 88 x 33.5 cm 85 x 33.7 cm 276 x 3.5 cm
fabric, thread, sheepskin, leather, weaving, embroidery, sewing, knitting
Presented to the workers of Stalingrad by Chizer Zoltan, the First Vice-Chairman of the Romanian Red Cross Society at the III All-Union Congress of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, held in Moscow on 24-28.12.1954.
See also
Tractor manufactured at Brașov Tractor Plant. Model
Romania ,
Tractor manufactured at Brașov Tractor Plant. Model
A gift from the delegation of workers of the Romanian Workers' Party led by Chivu Stoica, a member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Central Committee of the RRS, that visited Volgograd on 3-4.06.1964.
Brașov. The engraved dedicatory inscription reads: “Din Partea colectivului Uzinei de Tractoare Brașov Romania” (From the workers of the Brasov Tractor Plant); the dome is decorated with the engraved basemap of Romania.
Gong. Model
Indonesia ,
Gong. Model
A gift from Murakhman, the city mayor of Surabaya, to the Tsaritsyn - Stalingrad Museum of Defense on 17.07.1965, Surabaya
Souvenir spoon with Albanian national ornament
Albania ,
Souvenir spoon with Albanian national ornament
Present of the delegation of Albanian women to the Museum of Defense of Tsaritsyn - Stalingrad