Caragea Boris. Sculptural group “Meeting” (1950)

Romania , 1951
МЗСБ КП 2767 П 870
bronze, casting, decorative patina-forming treatment
A sculptural group representing a scene of welcoming of a Soviet Army soldier by Romanian peasants. On the base there is a Soviet soldier holding a child in his hands. Nearby are the Romanian peasants: a woman holding a bunch of grapes and a man. A gift from the Romanian Society for Friendly Relations with the USSR (ARLUS, Asociația Română pentru strângerea Legăturilor cu Uniunea Sovietică), Romanian People's Republic

See also

Miner’s lamp
France , 06.10.1972
Figurine depicting a monument in honor of the victory at Pochonbo in the city of Hesan
DPRK , 13.10.1969
Non-fluffing carpet (tapestry) with the coat of arms of Czechoslovakia on a linden tree
Czechoslovakia ,