Framed photo under glass. Memorial ceremony at the monument to civilian victims of Nazism in Cours-Saint-Etienne

Belgium , 29.09.1973
МЗСБ КП 12546
30,5 х 20 cm; 31 х 37,2 х 4,2 cm
photo paper, glass, wood, cardboard, photo printing, sawing, painting, manuscript, stamp
A gift from the veterans of Belgium partisans to the veterans of the Battle of Stalingrad, Walloon Brabant province

The photo shows a commemorative ceremony conducted by the monument dedicated to the civil victims of Nazism (Monument aux victimes civiles du nazisme) in Court-Saint-Étienne. The veterans of the Independent Front (le Front de l'Indépendance) are holding the Standards standing on both sides of the Monument. The priest (right in the middle) is praying for the dead. The words written with a black marker pen under the photograph read: « Monument érigé à la mémoire des partisans armés du F.I. de Belgique fusillés / et pendus par les nazis le 7 septembre 1943. / Offert aux partisans Soviétiques le 26 septembre 1973 par la section du F.I. / de Court-St-Étienne. Province de Brabant – Belgique.” (The monument was erected as a tribute to the armed supporters of the Independent Front in Belgium, who were shot and hung by the Nazi on September 7, 1943. A gift presented to Soviet partisans on September 26, 1973 of the Court-Saint-Étienne section of the Independent Front in the Province of Brabant, Belgium). In the bottom left corner there is a round seal that says, “F.I. Comité régional de Wavre” (The Independent Front, the regional committee in Wavre). The stamp on the other side of the frame says , “Photos / R. Bailly / 7, Nouvelle avenue 7 / Vieux-Genappe” (the workshop of R. Bailly in Geneva)

See also

Paired vases on stands
China , 15.06.1964
Earth from the place where the fighters of the Resistance movement were executed (in a vase with a lid)
Italy , March 1964
Souvenir plate of the German Gymnastic Union (DTB)
FRG , 16.10.1963