Telegram from Dolores Ibárruri, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain, to A.S. Chuyanov, the First Secretary of the Stalingrad Regional Committee of the CPSU (B.)

Spain , 1946
МЗСБ КП 4902
10,5 х 14,6 cm
paper, telegraph tape, typographic printing, telegraph printing, gluing, manuscript, ink
Transliteration was used to write the telegram text and to convert Russian script (Cyrillic) to Latin. The tapes are pasted on a Telegraph blank. Dolores Ibárruri wished a Happy New Year to Aleksey Chuyanov, 1946. France, Department of Haute-Garonne, Toulouse

See also

Traditional hat of shepherds in northeastern Brazil.
Brazil , 1953
“Scarf of Peace”
Brazil , December 1952
Decorative plate with the image of the coat of arms of Liege
Belgium , May 1975