Decorative plate with the image of the coat of arms of Liege

Belgium , May 1975
МЗСБ КП 14108 П 927
22,3 х 22,9 х 1,7 cm
metal, cold pressing, embossing, notching, soldering
A gift from partisan veterans of the Free Front of Liege "FL". It was handed over by the city delegation led by Octave Rose, Deputy Mayor, who visited Volgograd in May 1975.

The plate is decorated with the city's coat of arms – the fountain Perron on Place du Marché – a symbol of the freedom of Liege and the letters “L G”. The wavy side is decorated with Octave Rose, Deputy Mayor, who visited Volgograd in May 1975.

See also

Sari, traditional women clothing in India
India , 1949
Plaque with a picture of fans on a stand
Japan , 09.09.1955
Brochure “Battle of Stalingrad” (Orustan um Stalingrad). – 1945
Iceland , 1954