Decorative plate with the emblem of the Union of Former Soldiers of Stalingrad (Bund ehemaliger Stalingradkämpfer E.V.)

МЗСБ КП 24863 П 901
Ø 18,9 х 2,4 cm
faience, metal, stamping, glazing, overglaze printing
A gift from Heinrich Dusseldorf, a former German prisoner of war, chief corporal, translator of the headquarters of the 6th Field Army of Wehrmacht.

The emblems of the divisions defeated in the Battle of Stalingrad are printed in black, in the center - the emblem of the Union.

See also

Romanian national female costume
Romania , 24-28.12.1954
‘Stara Zagora’ vanity box
Bulgaria , 28.06.1981
Pennon of the Sweden-USSR Friendship Association
Sweden , 09.06.1985