Notes and text of a Brazilian folk song “And the Danube escaped…”(O Danube azulou …)

Brazil , June 1953
МЗСБ КП 4858
29 х 20 cm
paper, typographic printing, pencil, ink
Notes and text of a Brazilian folk song "And the Danube escaped..."(O Danube azulou ...), performed during the war in connection with the victory at Stalingrad and the capture of Berlin. Recorded in a music notebook by a pianist Ionisie Katunda, who visited Stalingrad in June 1953. The notes and lyrics in a fake book (published in the USSR in 1952) were written by Eunice Katunda, a Brazilian pianist, who visited Stalingrad in June 1953. The inscription on the first page reads: “Marcha popular brasileira / Cantado durame a guerra por ocasiáo da vitoria de Stalingrado, alé a tomada de Berlim”

See also

Souvenir plate of the German Gymnastic Union (DTB)
FRG , 16.10.1963
Poster of the organization “Anti-Nazi Campaign to Help Free Peoples” (Acción antinazi de ayuda a los pueblos libres) on collection of aid to Stalingrad
Uruguay , 10.05
Hand fan. A gift from a participant in the World Congress of Mothers in Lausanne
Japan , August, 1955