Sculptural composition “Brotherhood”
Czechoslovakia ,
МЗСБ КП 3901 П 880
40,2 х 28 х 18,7 cm
bisque, casting, firingcase
Sculptural composition "Brotherhood". Model of the monument to Karel Pokorný near the building of the Main Railway Station of Prague. The sculpture depicts fraternization of a Czech partisan with a Soviet soldier. Karel Pokorný began working on this composition in the first weeks after liberation of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet soldiers and finished it in 1950. The work was awarded with the Czechoslovakia State Prize and was presented for the Peace Prize.
See also
Scarf with the symbols of peace
Japan ,
Scarf with the symbols of peace
Scarf with the symbols of peace. A gift from Tsitomo Iwakura, the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of the Japan Museum of Peace, 1988
Benda Břetislav. Sculpture “Nika” (Victory)
Czechoslovakia ,
Benda Břetislav. Sculpture “Nika” (Victory)
A gift from the author to the city of Stalingrad, 1947
Music box. It reproduces the melody “Life in pink”
France ,
May 1954
Music box. It reproduces the melody “Life in pink”
Подарок делегации Общества "Франция – СССР", посетившей Сталинград в мае 1954 г. Франция – Швейцария.