Anklet (payal) – jewelry to be worn on the ankle

India , 1947
МЗСБ КП 3429 П 180
3,2 х 10 х 13 cm
brass, casting, bending, assembly
A gift from the All-India Student Federation to Stalingrad youth

An anklet. The jewel has no lock and is made of two strands of metal wire, which are strung with eight decorative elements (charms), shaped like bulbs, separated with little bells that jingle as a woman moves. On both sides of the leg opening there is a flower and a peacock. It is mostly used for performing rituals and as an indicator of the social class of the wearer.

See also

Hand fan
India , 10.09.1953
Commemorative medal “Independent Front to its militiamen. 1940 – 1945” (Le Front de l’Indépendance à ses milices)
Belgium , 15.05.1965
Traditional whip of shepherds in northeastern Brazil
Brazil , 1953