Posters of the film “The Boy from Stalingrad” (Columbia pictures, 1943) and photographs

USA , 1943
МЗСБ КП 5439/1-33
201,5 х 198 cm,101,7 х 68 cm,20,4 х 26 cm
paper, printing, photo paper, black and white photo printing
Posters of the film "The Boy from Stalingrad" (Columbia pictures, 1943) and photographs of the filming process and the film frames (30 items)

First ever motion picture for children dedicated to the Stalingrad Battle was made in the allied country.

The fiction film tells to the American teenagers about their heroic age-mates from the USSR: Soviet teenagers from rural areas join the battle against the enemy, meanwhile saving the son of an English consul named Tommy who lost his parents during an attempt of evacuation from Stalingrad occupied by German troops.

The film has a number of geographical, chronological and military assumptions; it combines fiction elements with the scenes from a documentary “The city that stopped Hitler: Heroic Stalingrad”. Directed by Sidney Salkow. Starring: Bobby Samarzich (Kolya), Conrad Binyon (Grisha), Mary Lou Harrington (Nadya), Scotty Beckett (Pavel), Steven Muller (Tommy Hadson), Donald Mayo (Yura). The film was not screened in the USSR.

See also

Pitcher of the ancient era, V century B.C.
Italy , July 1961
Figurine of the wild ox
Italy , July 1961
Plaque with the coat of arms of Coventry
The United Kingdom , 05.11.1954