Badge with the emblem of the General Trade Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA)

Algeria , 13.09.1964
МЗСБ КП 8725/2
22 х 24 х 4 мм
metal, enamel, stamping, bending
A gift from the delegation of the trade union of workers of education and culture of Algeria to the Museum of Defense of Tsaritsyn - Stalingrad. UGTA – Union générale des travailleurs Algériens (The General Union of Algerian Workers)

See also

Posters of the film “The Boy from Stalingrad” (Columbia pictures, 1943) and photographs
USA , 1943
Box. Present from the delegation of the Supreme Advisory Council of Indonesia led by Roeslan Abdulgani
Indonesia , 04.05.1961
Note to the ring presented to the people of Stalingrad by Sidney Kramer, the member of the American youth delegation. Stalingrad
USA , 22.09.1951