Badge with the emblem of the General Trade Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA)
Algeria ,
МЗСБ КП 8725/2
22 х 24 х 4 мм
metal, enamel, stamping, bending
A gift from the delegation of the trade union of workers of education and culture of Algeria to the Museum of Defense of Tsaritsyn - Stalingrad. UGTA – Union générale des travailleurs Algériens (The General Union of Algerian Workers)
See also
Posters of the film “The Boy from Stalingrad” (Columbia pictures, 1943) and photographs
Posters of the film “The Boy from Stalingrad” (Columbia pictures, 1943) and photographs
Posters of the film "The Boy from Stalingrad" (Columbia pictures, 1943) and photographs of the filming process and the film frames (30 items)
Box. Present from the delegation of the Supreme Advisory Council of Indonesia led by Roeslan Abdulgani
Indonesia ,
Box. Present from the delegation of the Supreme Advisory Council of Indonesia led by Roeslan Abdulgani
Present from the delegation of the Supreme Advisory Council of Indonesia led by Roeslan Abdulgani to the Tsaritsyn - Stalingrad Museum of Defense.
Note to the ring presented to the people of Stalingrad by Sidney Kramer, the member of the American youth delegation. Stalingrad
Note to the ring presented to the people of Stalingrad by Sidney Kramer, the member of the American youth delegation. Stalingrad
The text written in blue ink on one side of a page torn out of a notebook reads [translation]: “My wife gave me this ring the day I joined the United States Army in 1942. I wish to gift this ring to the people of Stalingrad to remind that many young Americans live today thanks to the sacrifices made by the defenders of Stalingrad. / Sidney Kramer / September 22, 1951”.