Mír magazine (Mír. 1 Tbl. 1953 – 4 árg), in Icelandic, 14 pages in the cover; dedicated to the memory of I.V. Stalin.

Iceland , 08.05.1953
МЗСБ КП 4722/2
27,8 х 21,6 cm
paper, metal, printing, stitching
A gift from the Icelandic delegation during its stay in Stalingrad. 08.05.1953, Reykjavík. It is written in Icelandic; 14 pages with a cover; it is dedicated to the memory of I.V. Stalin, 21.12.1879 – 05.03.1953

See also

Figurine of the wild ox
Italy , July 1961
Monument “To the heroes of Warsaw 1939 – 1945” (Bohateróm Warszawy). Model
Poland , 22.04.1969
Current Events in Namibia magazine No. 8. – Dar es Salaam, May 1976
Namibia , 09.08.1976