A triangular guidon flag with a Maori warrior against the blue background.
Pennant “New Zealand / Maori Warrior”
See also
Carved powder boxes with lids
China ,
May 1954
Carved powder boxes with lids
Carved powder boxes with lids. A gift from the delegation of Chinese cultural workers who visited Stalingrad in May 1954.
Necklace. Prize of “Volga” ensemble
France ,
September 1964
Necklace. Prize of “Volga” ensemble
Necklace. Prize of "Volga" ensemble (Gagarin Palace of Culture, Volgograd) at the contest in Dijon, September 1964. It consists of 17 gold coins of 20 francs minted in 1899, 1905, 1906, 1910 and 1912, which symbolize 17 historical duchies of Burgundy.
Decorative plate with the emblem of the Union of Former Soldiers of Stalingrad (Bund ehemaliger Stalingradkämpfer E.V.)
Decorative plate with the emblem of the Union of Former Soldiers of Stalingrad (Bund ehemaliger Stalingradkämpfer E.V.)
A gift from Heinrich Dusseldorf, a former German prisoner of war, chief corporal, translator of the headquarters of the 6th Field Army of Wehrmacht.