Anmerkung zum Kästchen auf Tschechisch [Übersetzung]: "An den Stadtrat von Stalingrad während des Monats der tschechoslowakisch-sowjetischen Freundschaft. Hergestellt von der Gesellschaft "Svet", Veľké Rovné, Kreis Bytča, Tschechoslowakei, November 1954
Filigree box of Czechoslovak-Soviet friendship

МЗСБ КП 5464
4,5 х 15,5 х 8,5 cm
metal, filigree, bending, riveting
Filigree box. A note to the box in Czech [translation]: "To the city council of Stalingrad during the month of Czechoslovak-Soviet friendship. Made by “Svetom” society, Veľké Rovné, Bytča region, Czechoslovakia, November 1954."
See also

Tea can

Tea can
A gift presented by Yashwantrao Balwantrao Chavan, the Minister of Defence of India. The Republic of India

Non-fluffing carpet

Non-fluffing carpet
A gift from the delegation of the General Confederation of Labor of Romania (Confederația generală a muncii) that visited Stalingrad in November 1952. Two birds are flying close together against a background with floral ornaments.

Plaketa “Prague – the mother of cities”

Plaketa “Prague – the mother of cities”
Plaketa "Prague - the mother of cities" (Praha matka měst). In the lower right corner, there is the author’s mark: "J. Kulhánek".
A gift from Adolf Svoboda, primator of Prague, to the Chairman of the Stalingrad City Executive Committee Shapurov S.I. on the 10th anniversary of the liberation of Prague by the Red Army, 1955.