Czechoslovakia ,
МЗСБ КП 7480/3
86,3 х 59 cm
paper, printing
A scene with two smiling workers shaking hands: a worker from Ostrava (the one on the left wearing a red tie) and a worker from Stalingrad (the one on the right wearing a kosovorotka shirt). The figures stand against a background with an industrial theme. In the center between the workers there is a brightly shining red five-beam star. Below are the inscriptions: “Družba Ostravsko-Stalingrad” and “Bez hrdinství stalingradských nebylo by naší svobody!” (We would not be able to enjoy our freedom, if not for the heroic Stalingrad defense!).

See also

Souvenir scarf for the festival of l’Unita newspaper, the body of the ICP
Italy , October 1972
Commemorative medal “IX Olympische Winterspiele Innsbruck 1964” (IX Winter Olympic Games in Innsbruck)
Austria , 1964
Box – a gift from Lester Pearson, the Secretary of State for External Affairs of Canada
Canada , 10.10.1955