Embossed panel depicting a Belgian lion with the inscription “Armed Forces of Belgium” (Forces Armées Belges)

Belgium , 20.06.1968
МЗСБ КП 10313
58,4 х 48,3 х 1,2 cm
metal, chasing, bending, notching, stamp, decorative patina-forming treatment
A gist from the Belgian military delegation to the Museum of Defense of Tsaritsyn - Stalingrad

The coat of arms is shaped as an escutcheon – French style. The escutcheon displays a depiction of a lion rampant with protracted claws and its tongue stuck out (The Belgium Lion). In the bottom there is an inscription that says, “Forces Armées Belges” (Belgian Armed Forces). On the other side there is a welded ring for hanging the ornamental artwork. In the bottom part there is a stamp of the manufacturer – The Belgium Lion with Crown jewels and a motto Maudoux / Din...Belgique

See also

The portrait of I.V. Stalin in his marshal uniform
France , November – December 1950
Traditional whip of shepherds in northeastern Brazil
Brazil , 1953
The book “Disaster” (De Ramp)
Netherlands , 08.05.1953