Commemorative medal “Armed Forces of Canada”

Canada , 1999
МЗСБ КП 24668
Ø 80 х 5 mm
metal, stamping
A gift from the Canadian military attaché to the Panorama Museum “Battle of Stalingrad”

The centre of the obverse is decorated with the emblem of the Canadian armed forces, encircled with an inscriptions made both in English and in French, which reads: “Canadian Forces Canadiennes / Attaché”; the manufacture’s mark on the obverse under the emblem reads: “Medaglis.L”; a similar inscription is spotted on the lining of the inner side of the lid.

See also

Double-sided napkin. . A gift from women of the English-Soviet Committee of Dover
The United Kingdom , 23.05.1944
Dish panel depicting Fort Siera and the coat of arms of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen
Yemen , 1989
Cups. Gift of the British people to the wounded soldier Savvin Gennady Alexandrovich
The United Kingdom , 1944