Cups. Gift of the British people to the wounded soldier Savvin Gennady Alexandrovich

The United Kingdom , 1944
МЗСБ КП НВФ 20758, 20759
10,2 х 10 х 14 cm10,5 х 10,1 х 13,5 cm
faience, casting, firing, glazing
Gift of the British people to the wounded soldier Savvin Gennady Alexandrovich, participant in the defense of the Caucasus. At the bottom one reads: “G vi R”; the drinking bowls presented at the same time as the mugs are lost.

See also

Memorial plaque “Grateful France to Stalingrad”
France , 30.11.1944
Coupon of Argentina Democratic Commission (Comisión democratica Argentina) “Your struggle is ours. Help the Soviet Union”
Argentina ,
Banner. On one side of the banner, an inscription is made with gold paint in French: “The youth of the country of Fabienne and Guy Môquet will never fight against the country of the heroes of Stalingrad”
France , 26.08.1950