Sailing ship on the waves
See also

Bulgarian female doll in a traditional costume

Bulgarian female doll in a traditional costume
A present from the delegation of the municipality of Ruse. They were presented at the signing of the agreement on cultural and economic cooperation between Ruse and Volgograd.

Testimonial “Coventry-Volgograd”

Testimonial “Coventry-Volgograd”
Presented to the delegation of the Volgograd City Council during a visit to Coventry, January 1964

Desktop souvenir. Three shells on a stand

Desktop souvenir. Three shells on a stand
Desktop souvenir. Three shells on a stand. Engraving on the donation plate: “To the fraternal / Stalingrad Komsomol / from the working youth of Kragujevac” (Братском / стаљинградском комсомолу / радничка омладина / Крагуjевца).
A gift from the working youth of Kragujevac to the Stalingrad Komsomol, 1948