S. Damdinjav. Bust of Damdin Sükhbaatar, the founder of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party, Minister of War of the Revolutionary Government of the MPR

Mongolia , May 1959
МЗСБ КП 7724/2
40 х 15,2 х 17,3 cm
metal, wood, casting, turning, grinding, assembly
A gift from the delegation of the Ministry of Troops and Public Security of Mongolia, who visited Stalingrad in May 1959. Chest-high portrait. Bust on a base. The author’s autograph on the left side of the chest reads: “S. Damdinjav, 1959”.

See also

Pennant “Communist Party of Paraguay 1969” (PCP – Partido Comunista Paraguayo)
Paraguay , 1969
Testimonial “Coventry-Volgograd”
The United Kingdom , January 1964
Pitcher of the ancient era, V century B.C.
Italy , July 1961