Virkkala Tapio. Vase “In memory of the city of Kemi.”

Finland , 18-26.07.1964
МЗСБ КП 8720
20 х 13,7 х 11 cm
glass, molding, engraving
Virkkala Tapio. Vase "In memory of the city of Kemi." A gift from the Kemi amateur art group that visited Volgograd on July 18-26, 1964 Lappi province, Kemi The vertically oriented engraving on the front face reads: “Muistoksi Kemin Kaupungilta” (In Memory of the town of Kemi”), the label above the engraving says “Made in Finland”.

See also

Pennant “Communist Party of Paraguay 1969” (PCP – Partido Comunista Paraguayo)
Paraguay , 1969
Plaque with a bas-relief of the sculptural group Fritz Cremer in the Buchenwald memorial
GDR , 14.05.1966
A poster with the emblem of the Austrian Black Cross (Österreichisches Schwarzes Kreuz)
Austria , June 1993