Vase with the image of a lion and three crowns

Sweden , June, 1955
МЗСБ КП 5463
14,6 х 11,7 х 10,3 cm
glass, molding, engraving
Vase with the image of a lion and three crowns. A gift from the Riksdag delegation led by Gustav Nielson that visited Stalingrad in June 1955. A lion and three crowns – the elements of the Greater version of the coat of arms of Sweden; a hexagonal vase.

See also

Letter from the Upper Manhattan women’s group
USA , 07.12.1944
Decorative plate with the emblem of the Union of Former Soldiers of Stalingrad (Bund ehemaliger Stalingradkämpfer E.V.)
Vase made of metal skin of an American aircraft shot down over North Vietnam
Vietnam , 09.05.1968