Small sculpture “Miner” on a stand
See also
Ring. Present of a British citizen Mary Mitchell
The United Kingdom ,
November 1951
Ring. Present of a British citizen Mary Mitchell
Present of a British citizen Mary Mitchell to T.S. Murashkina, the Deputy Chairman of the Stalingrad City Executive Committee, at the meeting of the Society of English-Soviet Friendship in Glasgow, November 1951, United Kingdom
Signature sheets of the US citizens who have collected donations to the pets of the Serebryanye Prudy orphanage in the region of Stalingrad
Signature sheets of the US citizens who have collected donations to the pets of the Serebryanye Prudy orphanage in the region of Stalingrad
In 1947 the American Birobidzhan Committee (“Ambidjan”) launched a charity campaign. Each lined sheet of paper contains the names and addresses of donators with the indication of their contributions. 4,570 American children put their signatures and contributed the total of USD 8,854 to the orphan asylum “Silver Ponds”. The signed sheets are kept in specially designated holders.
Panel “Résiste et mords!” (Resist and bite)
Luxembourg ,
Panel “Résiste et mords!” (Resist and bite)
A gift from Luxembourg tourists to the Tsaritsyn - Stalingrad Museum of Defense