Napkin. A gift from the Hungarian military delegation led by Lieutenant General Lajos Czinege, the Minister of Defense

Hungary , 02.02.1961
МЗСБ КП 8117/2
48 х 49,5 cm
fabric, thread, weaving, embroidery, knitting
A gift from the Hungarian military delegation led by Lieutenant General Lajos Czinege, the Minister of Defense, to the Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad Museum of Defense. A double-sided crochet border napkin with a satin stich embroidery of floral ornament.

See also

Cape of demonstrators for peace and disarmament
Australia , September 1963
Decorative plate with the image of the coat of arms of Liege
Belgium , May 1975
Berkhahn Guber. Drawing “German and Romanian prisoners near Stalingrad”
Uruguay , 1944