Souvenir spoon with Albanian national ornament
See also

Scroll with a picture of a horse

Scroll with a picture of a horse
A gift from the delegation of Chinese cultural workers who visited Stalingrad in May 1954. The paper is transferred to fabric. Despite the lack of detailed tracing, the image is dynamic and the horse is depicted in motion. Its head is turned to the right. The mane and tail flutter playfully. On the right side there is a vertical inscription in hieroglyphs. The fabric base with the pattern is wound on a wooden roller for rigidity and shape preservation. The roller is made of dark wood and covered with varnish.

Decorative plate

Decorative plate
A gift from the delegation of the Sino-Soviet Friendship Society that visited Stalingrad on 19.06.1953. The dessert plate is made with the use of cloisonné technique and is decorated with geometric patterns both in its centre and on its rim. On the base of the plate there are images of semiabstract birds and geometric elements.

Decorative napkin

Decorative napkin
Present of the delegation of the Progressive Party of the Working People of Cyprus (AKΣL) to the Tsaritsyn - Stalingrad Museum of Defense