Cup. A gift from Czechoslovak writers and journalists to the heroic Stalingrad

Czechoslovakia , 1947 September
МЗСБ КП 2528 С 4
21,2 х Ø 12,4 cm
silver, casting, polishing, engraving
An engraved dedicatory inscription “Hrdinnému Stalingradu / Čs. spisovatelé a novináři / záři 1947” (To the Heroic Stalingrad from the Czechoslovakian writers and journalists, September 1947) enframed with laurel branches; on the bottom there is the finesse stamp “875” and the manufacturer’s seal.

See also

Bulgarian female doll in a traditional costume
Bulgaria ,
Glass melted during the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
Japan , June, 1966
Double-sided napkin. . A gift from women of the English-Soviet Committee of Dover
The United Kingdom , 23.05.1944