Coupon of the Argentine Alliance Solidarity Movement (Movimiento Argentino de Solidaridad con los Aliados, M.A.S.A.) with the nominal value of 10 peso

Argentina ,
МЗСБ КП 893/8 П 414
14.7 x 11.5 cm (folded)
paper, typographic printing, creasing
The M.A.S.A. movement (Movimiento Argentino de Solidaridad con los Aliados – The Argentinian Movement of Solidarity with Allies) was giving leaflets, booklets, coupons and stamps to raise money for the fighting Soviet Union.

See also

Commemorative medal “Independent Front to its militiamen. 1940 – 1945” (Le Front de l’Indépendance à ses milices)
Belgium , 15.05.1965
Prize cup of French athletes for the best achievements in running 200 meters
France , 08.1950
A doll in a traditional wedding costume of Italian-Albanian women
Italy ,